A powerful, critically acclaimed solo show from Florence Espeut-Nickless following a teenage girl growing up on a rural Wiltshire council estate, desperate to find hope in hopelessness
“They’re sayin I brought it on myself.
Oh yeah, they’ve heard about me.
Basically it must’ve been my fault ’cause I’m me, Destiny.”
Destiny dreams big. She dreams glamour. She’s gonna be an MTV Base backing dancer, you watch. If J-Lo can make it outta the Bronx then Destiny can make it off the Hill Rise estate in Chippenham. She’s fearless, ferocious and up for the fight (she’s had to be). After a big night out takes a turn for the worst, Destiny’s life spirals out of control as she desperately tries to learn how to love and be loved.
WINNER – Pleasance 2021 National Partnerships Award with Bristol Old Vic Ferment
SHORTLISTED – Theatre West Write On Women Award
“A captivating solo show.”
★★★★ The Guardian
“Masterful … full of relentless energy and dynamism.”
★★★★ The Wee Review
“This is political and social theatre at its very best.”
★★★★ StageTalk
“Espeut-Nickless is never short of spectacular.”
★★★★ Ed Fringe Review
“A tour de force in barebones immersive storytelling.”
★★★★ Buzz Magazine
“Destiny manages to keep the audience laughing even in her darkest hours.”
★★★★ Fairy Powered Productions
“Should be at the heart of national conversation.”
British Theatre Guide
“Enchanting at parts, terrifying at others, Destiny is a beautifully well-rounded production.”
Bristol 24/7
“A must-watch for those interested in stories of youth and social justice.”
Strand Magazine
Written and performed by Florence Espeut-Nickless. Directed by Jesse Jones. Produced Tom Bevan Creative Ltd. Developed with support from Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol Old Vic Ferment, Pound Arts, Strike a Light, The Pleasance, Tim Crouch, Wiltshire Creative, Natural Theatre, Paper Arts, Theatre Bristol, Hawkwood College, Arts Council England and Gane Trust.
Florence Espeut-Nickless is a writer, performer and facilitator from Chippenham in Wiltshire. She writes for both stage and screen about and with working class communities in the South West in the hope to make the arts more accessible to everyone regardless of background and geographical location. She is currently Writer in Residence at Bristol Old Vic (as part of the FILM 4/Peggy Ramsay Playwrights Awards) and has recently written plays for the National Theatre and Trowbridge Town Hall. She was previously CRF Writer in Residence at Pentabus Theatre, an Open Session Writer at Bristol Old Vic and an associate artist at Strike a Light, as part of the Let Artists Be Artists programme. She recently took part in the BBC Voices scheme and Dancing Ledge’s High End TV writer’s programme.
Content Warning
DESTINY is a show that talks about sexual abuse, violence, neglect and abuses of power. It contains strong references that people may find triggering. There is use of strobe lighting, strong language, adult themes, loud music and flashing lights in this performance. We encourage a relaxed environment during all performances. Please take a break from the auditorium at any point if you need to.
If you are affected by any of the issues in DESTINY, support is available. You can talk to the following organisations:
ChildLine: 0800 1111
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Rape Crisis: 0808 802 9999
Galop UK: 0300 999 5428
Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7 Free helpline)